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Terms of Use


The site allows the purchase of the Layback according to the purchase conditions that will be detailed below. A purchase on the site constitutes a declaration by the customer that he has read the regulations, understood them and agreed to their terms, so that the regulations constitute a contract between the buyer and the company (Layback). The company reserves the right to change the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion, without the need for notice and/or advance notice. Any aforementioned change will bind the users and will also apply to purchases made on the website, starting from the date of publication of the updated regulations on the website. The regulations are drafted in the masculine language but are addressed equally to both genders. 


Terms of purchase

You can purchase the product on the website at any time until the stock runs out. The company reserves the right to stop the marketing and sale of the product at any time, as well as to exclude or limit a purchase on the website at its discretion. Approval of the purchase operation and the company's commitment to supply the product, is conditional on the product being actually available in the company's warehouse inventory on the requested delivery date and after the company receives approval from the credit card company for the execution of the charge, in accordance with the existing work procedures between them and the company. In the event that the transaction was not approved by the credit companies - the customer will receive an appropriate notification.


In the event that the Layback runs out of stock and/or there is another problem with its supply, for whatever reason, the company will be entitled to notify the user of the cancellation of the missing item from the order and provide the user with the balance of the order without the missing item. Notification will be delivered to the user via e-mail and/or by telephone message, at the company's choice in such case, the user will not have any claim against the company, and by the fact of placing the order, the user waives any such claim.


The company reserves the right to limit the quantity of items in each order. It will be clarified that whether it is stated on the company's website that the product is in stock, whether it is not stated on the company's website that the product is not in stock, or whether the product has not been downloaded from the website by the time the order is placed, the company will not be obligated to sell the product, and the user will not have any claim and/or A demand and/or claim in this regard for any type of damage, whether direct damage or indirect damage caused to him and/or any third party. Nothing in this section is intended to detract from the company's obligation to refund the user any amount he paid, if he did pay the same amount to the company, or to cancel the charge if it was made, in the event that the product is not actually available in the company's inventory.


It is clarified that the website company will not bear any responsibility, directly or indirectly, in the event that the user is unable to use the website due to a malfunction or interruption or any disruption in the normality of its activity.

The site management is entitled to offer promotions, benefits and discounts on the site. The website management may at any time stop these promotions, benefits and discounts, replace or change them, without the need to give any prior notice.

The user undertakes to compensate and/or indemnify the company or anyone on its behalf, immediately upon its first demand, for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense, including by virtue of any demand, claim, judgment, compromise, execution, including court costs, and the costs of legal advice, which arise, directly and/or indirectly, from the violation of the terms of use and/or any act and/or omission of the user and/or from any charge to which the company or anyone on its behalf will be charged for which according to the terms of use the company has no responsibility. The price on the website includes VAT. The transaction will be carried out after approval by the credit company only. 


Return conditions

The Layback is sold without a warranty certificate and it is not possible to exchange or return it after the purchase. 



Home delivery at a cost of 29NIS. 

Free shipping when you buy two or more Laybacks. 


Customer Service 

For details and questions, you can contact the company's customer service by


Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights in all content on the website, including the trademark, copyright, images, sample, are the property of the company only. You may not make any commercial use of the data published on the website, the database on the website, the lists and images of the products appearing therein or other details published by and/or on behalf of the company without obtaining its prior written consent.


Do not use any data published on the site contrary to the provisions of the regulations and/or without obtaining the company's prior written consent and subject to the terms of that consent (if and to the extent given). In this rule, it is forbidden to collect data from the website using software and/or to distribute such data to the public in a commercial manner or in a commercial framework. Do not copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, market, and translate any information from the site (including trademarks, images, texts, and source code) without obtaining the express written permission of the company in advance. Do not present the site within a frame, visible or hidden, and do not link to the pages contained within it ("deep link"), but to the home page only.


Icons Any information and/or display that appears on the site, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos, as well as the editing and presentation of these, are the exclusive property of the company and/or someone on its behalf. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish or use in any other way the contents appearing on the website unless the company has given its consent to this, in writing and in advance.


Maintaining data confidentiality and user privacy

The delivery of the personal details in the order form is done at the user's will and with his consent. Filling in the details indicates the user's consent to their delivery. The delivery of the personal details is intended to allow the company to provide the product to the user. The company takes common precautions in order to maintain, as much as possible, the confidentiality of the information. In cases beyond its control and/or resulting from force majeure, the company will not be responsible for any damage of any kind, indirect or direct, that may be caused to the user if this information is lost or if it is used unauthorized. 

When registering on the website and when ordering products, the user will be asked to provide his real personal information, including: first name, last name, telephone number, town, street, house number, apartment, floor, entrance, comments and information regarding the action that the courier is asked to take if the recipient is not at home For reasons of information security and protection of the user's privacy, the data of the payment method will not be kept in the database of the site administration and will be used only for the purpose of completing the order of the selected product. The explicitly marked fields require filling. Without providing the requested data in the mandatory fields it will not be possible to use these services.

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